Volunteer to help out with our…

50th Anniversary Open House


We will provide small, plain-paper posters. We would like to see them in bookstores, the smaller libraries, and on bulletin boards and in employee break rooms of chain and independent stores and community service spaces—e.g., supermarkets, Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, county offices, food pantries, churches, student centers—throughout Oneonta, Cooperstown, Sydney, Delhi, Walton, Margaretville, Fleischmanns. This would entail just a one-time visit (or possibly a follow-up) to speak with a manager. 

Tabling at Summer Events

We have had success with “tabling” at a number of community events, signing up new volunteers, adding to our annual campaign mailing list, and making potential donors, tutors, and students aware of our services. In addition to the events shown below please let us know of anything similar in your area and your interest in tabling (ideally at least two people per event). Jeanne and/or Laura will prepare materials and supplies.

 Grand and Glorious Fall Fair, Oneonta, Sept. 8 (this seems to be the replacement for the former Grand and Glorious Garage Sale)

Farmer’s markets: Oneonta, Cooperstown, Delhi – one date for each

Media Outreach

What media will cover our event, our anniversary, history…anything about us? The office and board will provide information, interviews, and visuals once the contact has been made and the venue is willing. Make the contact!

 Day of Event Help

Setup at Rowe House – 11-2

Arrange furniture for efficient traffic flow

Set up table for name tags (VIPs/board made in advance, blanks for tutors, others) and sign-in sheets

Set up video for continuous loop

Set up displays on Rowe House front lawn and throughout rooms being used

Set up table(s) for food and beverages, appropriate containers for discards/trash

 Event hours – 2-4

Greet, mingle, lead guests to video, other info


Refreshments – make sure serving platters are kept full, plates/cups/utensils are available, trash is off table(s) and other surfaces

Make sure sign-in and sign-up sheets (and pens) are available

 Cleanup – 4:15-6:15

Dismantle displays from lawn and interior

Dismantle video setup

Collect all sign-in and sign-up sheets

Get any remaining food/beverages and serving pieces safely repackaged and stowed

Bundle trash and store for proper disposal

Replace any furniture that has been moved










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